SAME-DAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. • SPECIAL: Mon. - Friday during the day, only $100. • Weekend and night rate, $150 Rates include 1 SUBJECT (dog or person), just $10 for each add'l subject. INCLUDES approx. 800 to 1,000 digital images burned on a DVD in about 30 minutes after your shoot. Hurry Appointments fill up fast. Contact: Justin@JustinRudd.com to request a day that is good for you. I can take photos at Livingston Park, Recreation Park's bandshell, or just east of Rosie's Dog Beach (best light approx. 30 minutes before sunset) -- all three locations in/near Belmont Shore. The $100 cash (no check; payable at the shoot) weekday/rate or the $150/weekend rate includes about 30-40 minutes of photos. About 30 minutes after the shoot, you can pick up the disc at my apt. in Belmont Shore. WHERE TO MEET If we meet at the beach, meet me on the concrete boat launch ramp at 1 Granada Ave., on the eastern edge of Rosie's Dog Beach, next to the public restrooms. For Livingston Park, meet at the corner of Argonne Ave. and Livingston Dr. MY CAMERA Canon 5D Mark iii |