For pageant contestants and guests: Please bring some oatmeal, peanut butter, mac n cheese, boxed cereals, canned tuna, or Cream of Wheat for a local food bank. Donations will be accepted as you arrive.
This event will crown "Southern California" and "Long Beach" titleholders in FOUR divisions:
• Teen: ages 13-18
• Miss: ages 19-30, never married, no children
• Ms.: ages 18+ and divorced or widowed; or 18+ and not legally married with at least one child; or age 31+ and not legally married.
• Mrs.: ages 18+ and currently married
- Paid contestants can be accepted into the pageant up until midnight on the evening before pageant day.
Paypal accepted at or check mailed to "CAT", 3040 E. First Street, Long Beach, 90803. Cash also accepted.
• $100, if payment and entry form received by Oct. 19
• $150, if payment and entry form received by Oct. 26
• $200, if payment and entry form received by Nov. 1.
• No refunds or transfers of entry fees or ticket sales.
• NOTE: Each contestant is required to sell at least $100 in tickets to friends/family by at least 48 hours before the pageant begins (Thurs., 5 p.m.). If a contestant only sells $90 worth of tickets, she will owe the pageant $10 cash on pageant day at the beginning of rehearsal. All tickets will be picked-up at will-call on-site just before the pageant.
• "Southern California" contestants must live, work, attend school, or regularly volunteer or attend a place of worship regularly in Southern California.
• "Long Beach" contestants must live, work, attend school, or regularly volunteer (or attend a place of worship regularly) in Long Beach and/or be enrolled in the Long Beach Unified School District.
• "Long Beach" delegates are eligible to receive the "Long Beach" and "Southern California" titles.
• As long as they qualify (i.e. age, city requirements), a titleholder can come back and compete for another title, but only after the titleholder sits out at least a year after their first reign.
• no rehearsals before pageant day.
• no swimsuit or fitness wear competition.
• no required orientation.
• no opening number or choreography, and no talent competition.
• no required platforms (social issues or causes), but a contestant is welcome to have one or more platforms.
• no political or religious questions from our judges.
• no height, weight, or sexual orientation requirement.
• We welcome unusual hair styles/colors, piercings, eyewear, and tattoos.
• no long gowns in the evening wear category
• personal interview
• evening wear/cocktail/party attire (no long gowns)
• upscale-casual wear in jeans
• On-stage question(s), chosen from contestant's entry form
Personal Interviews
Interview is an approx. 2 1/2-minute private conversation with each judge. Not all judges will participate in the interview process. The judges will be given your one-page entry form prior to your interview. They will be looking for articulate and concise responses, comfort level, charm, personality, first impression, and self-confidence. The interview outfit should also be worn during the on-stage introductions. Pants or skirts are equally appropriate. There are no political or religious questions. Interview questions will come from your entry form.
At the beginning of the pageant, all contestants will introduce themselves on-stage for exactly two or three sentences with facts about herself (and less than 10 seconds), in the same outfit she wore in the interview room. There are no particular requirements for this intro, other than finishing it with "from (city where you live, work or attend school), I am (first name, last name)." Have this memorized before arrival on pageant day. NOTE: Don't say introductory phrases like "Good afternoon." Just get right to your intro. And, don't include "California" when you say your city. Don't mention your contestant number.
Upscale-casual wear in jeans
Denim pants, any color. Outfits can include heels or other upscale-casual, age-appropriate footwear. The judges will be looking for energy and confidence.
Evening Wear (no long gowns)
Long gowns and tuxes are NOT allowed for our "evening wear" portion of the contest. Teen/Miss/Ms./Mrs. will wear an outfit that she would wear to a big night out on the town or to a semi-formal party -- any style, age-appropriate and tasteful. Cocktail dress, midi dress, party dress, or a pants suit are equally suitable. Judges will be evaluating stage presence, poise, composure and overall presentation. Only Mrs. contestants will be escorted on the stage by their legal husband or wife (or a friend/familiy member, if spouse is not available) during the evening wear category. Escorts for each Mrs. contestant will need to purchase a ticket and sit in the audience, and should come backstage after the "upscale-casual wear in jeans" competition ends (and the emcee will announce for the escorts to meet their spouse).
Approx. 6-8 finalists may be announced in each division and will include "Southern California" and "Long Beach" candidates.
The finalists will be given a question(s) from the emcee and will be judged on her speaking ability, confidence and ability to express herself. The questions will likely come from the "Five things I want the judges to know:" that were included on the contestant's entry form.
Facebook fan pages:
• Teen/Miss/Ms./Mrs. Long Beach
• Teen/Miss/Ms./Mrs. Southern California
2-2:10 p.m. |
Contestants arrive |
2:15-3:45p.m. |
rehearsal on stage |
4-4:45 p.m. |
interviews |
4:45 p.m. |
Ticket Table (cash & credit options) |
4:45 p.m. |
Doors/Seating Open |
5-6:30 p.m. |
Pageant |
Each titleholder will receive a $1,250 appearance contract with Justin Rudd's nonprofit Community Action Team (CAT). Each will accrue $50 for each public CAT event. For example, a Teen/Miss/Ms./Mrs. titleholder who attends 30 events @ $50 each will receive $1,500. Or, 10 appearances will get $500. Funds are given out on the last day of her reign (pageant day). There is a strict on-time-arrival policy. Titleholders are NOT required to attend every one, but we do ask that titleholders make concerted efforts to attend. Opportunities include the Long Beach Turkey Trot, Long Beach Touch-A-Truck, National Adult Spelling Bee, the Great American 4th of July Kids Bike Parade, the Bulldog Beauty Contest, monthly 30-Minute Beach Cleanups, the Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade and more. See event list at
- Build inner-confidence
- Become even more well-rounded physically, spiritually, mentally and socially
- Improve your already successful and proven track record
- Create lasting friendships
- Showcase your abilities
- Promote your messages and platforms
- Strengthen your character
- Appearance contract
- $1,250 appearance contract with Community Action Team (CAT)
- tiara
- banner
- free haircut/style at SWAG by Holly
- $1,250 appearance contract with Community Action Team (CAT)
- tiara
- banner
- free haircut/style at SWAG by Holly
- $1,250 appearance contract with Community Action Team (CAT)
- tiara
- banner
- free haircut/style at SWAG by Holly
- $1,250 appearance contract from the Community Action Team (CAT)
- tiara
- banner
- free haircut/style at SWAG by Holly
1. Once on site on pageant day, delegates can no longer get help from anyone (including other contestants) with their hair, makeup, and/or dressing (helping someone to zip up is fine).
2. Age requirement. NOTE: there is a two-week grace period on these age ranges: Miss delegates must be 19 - 30 years old on pageant day and never married and no children. Teen delegates must be 13 -18 on pageant day. Ms. delegates must be age 31 & older and not legally married; or age 18+ and previously married, but currently not legally married. Mrs. delegates must be at least 18, and married at least six months on pageant day. Documentation (copy of government-issued ID, driver's license, marriage certificate, etc.) required for verification.
3. "Long Beach" delegates must live, work, go to school, or attend a place of worship regularly in Long Beach, or volunteer regularly in Long Beach. "Southern California" delegates must live, work, or go to school within Southern California. Documentation must be provided for verification.
4. Teen, Miss, and Ms. delegates agree to not marry until the obligations as a delegate or as a titleholder have been fully discharged. If they get married during their reign, they would no longer be the titleholder. Delegates agree to notate that on her info sheet when submitted to the pageant director.
5. Delegates must be a citizen of the US, hold a green card, have a work or school visa, or be currently enrolled as a student with ID.
6. Delegate must represent and warrant that she is a female -- recognized medically and legally as a female in the United States. If her gender or sex designated at birth was not female, she must represent and warrant that: (a) she has fully completed sex reassignment (which can be certified by a physician, if requested Pageant Director); and (b) and she received and can provide (if requested by Pageant Director) legal recognition of her assigned sex as female by the U.S. Federal government or her U.S. state of residence. Documents acceptable for such legal recognition include: driver’s license or ID card issued by her state of residence, birth certificate, U.S. Passport or Social Security card.
7. If a delegate has ever been convicted of a felony or other crime, she agrees to write that in a note to the pageant director before the night's competition. The note will not be shared with anyone, and not the judges. This pageant believes in second chances and forgiveness.
8. Mrs. delegates must be legally married (and living together and not separated) for at least six months (180 days) by pageant day. Documentation required for verification (i.e. marriage license). The Mrs. titleholder must remain married and not separated from their spouse (same spouse as on pageant day).
8b. The pageant welcomes Ms. and Mrs. contestants who have kids and/or who are pregnant.
8c. It is okay to have been previously divorced in the Ms. and Mrs. categories.
8d. Legal same-sex marriages are very welcome.
9. Violation of pageant rules or contract is reason for immediate disqualification from the pageant or removal of the title and the return of all prizes, money received, and forfeiture of any appearance fees owed. The pageant director reserves the right to remove titles or delegates from the pageant for immoral or illegal conduct, as determined by the pageant director.
10. The pageant will be judged utilizing the categories of interview, evening wear, casual wear in jeans, and on-stage questions. The decision of the judges will be final.
11. Delegates will furnish their own attire. The same interview attire should be worn for both the personal interview and on-stage introduction.
12. Delegates will provide their own snacks, meals and drinks on pageant day.
13. Titleholders agree to clear all public appearances representing the title with the pageant director, and further agree not to use the title or make appearances without the consent of the pageant director.
14. Entrant may have a modeling or agency contract, but it does not give that entity the right to use the title or reference without written permission from the pageant director.
15. Any applicant entering this pageant under false pretense will, thereby, forfeit the title and all prizes awarded to her.
16. The pageant believes in second chances and forgiveness. We don't like surprises. If there is anything questionable in a contestant's past, please make it known to the pageant director IN WRITING on or before rehearsal begins on pageant day. Otherwise, candidates must represent that they have not and will not engage in any activities which, if disclosed to the public, would bring, or tend to bring, the candidate, the pageant director, the pageant, or any of their subsidiaries, affiliated or related companies into disrepute, ridicule or contempt not limited to, but to include any type of use of illegal drugs, any other illegal behavior or activity, professional or amateur nude or semi-nude dancing or modeling in any sexually-oriented business or club, any type of nude or semi-nude photographs or video tapes, prostitution, any felony conviction, probation or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
17. We welcome our titleholders to do other pageants. Delegates must agree that if they win the title, they will not participate in any pageants during the time that they hold the "Long Beach" or "Southern California" titles, unless authorized in writing by the pageant director. We understand that our titleholders may want to go on to other pageants, but get written permission first.
18. Contestants must release, unconditionally and forever, any claim against this pageant, or related companies and their respective officers, directors, partners, employees, agents and assigns, which contestant may have by virtue of their participation or by any use of the contestant's name, likeness, voice and/or biography in connection with the pageant, including use in all promotional and advertising material, with or without compensation.
19. No use of cell phones or cameras in the dressing area -- for privacy.
20. No friends or family members will be allowed in the dressing room or back stage at any time. Teen/Miss/Ms./Mrs. contestants will be responsible for getting their own things to/from the dressing area.
A titleholder cannot hold the same "Long Beach" or "Southern California" title more than once, but you can compete for another title (in the same age division or another division) if you qualify and after you sit out for at least one pageant year. For example, Miss Long Beach 2022 cannot compete for the title of Miss Southern California 2023.
22. Delegate will be on time and conduct herself in a courteous, professional manner at all times during the pageant and while representing a pageant title.
23. Judges scores and comments will not be shared. Contestants should not address judges after the pageant concerning their participation in the pageant.
24. A titleholder's reign may or may not be more/less than 365 days -- all depending on the date selected to hold the next year's pageant.
25. No contestant may draw on muscles or the appearance of muscles with makeup, patina or spray tanning.
26. Fees and ticket sales are not refundable or transferable in full or in part under any circumstances.
27. At least $100 in ticket sales must be paid in full at least 48 hours prior to the pageant, so get your friends/family to purchase tickets. Each of those tickets will count toward your $100 in ticket sales. If entering within 48 hours of the pageant, a delegate must still sell $100 in tickets or pay the balance in cash when she arrives pageant morning for rehearsal.
28. Contestants and titleholders will not give any written or verbal endorsement of any mercantile commodity or commercial or charitable organization without obtaining specific written authority from the Pageant Director.
29. All eligibility issues are resolved at the discretion of the pageant director.
30. These rules are subject to change or amendment by the pageant director.
